Friday, August 14, 2009

The Marriage of Banana and Zuchini

So I have a confession--I'm a bit of a health nut--OK a lot of one but for good reason. I feel better when I eat healthy and I can pack on 5 lbs in one week if I'm not careful! I think healthy food should taste good--and the recipes I make do. So every so often I will share.

Yesterday I was looking at my cousins recipe blog and was inspired--she makes the most delectable food!

So I created Whole Wheat Banana Zucchini Chocolate Chip Nut Muffins. First don't let the whole wheat turn you off--it made them so rich and nutty, they had much more depth too them. Banana Bread is always a favorite and Zucchini Bread is right up there with it so it seemed inevitable to me that they be combined--and let me tell you the marriage was a success! You get your fruits and veggies. The other great thing is there is only 1/4 cup of olive oil and I substituted low fat plain yogurt for the rest of the oil. For the sweetness I used a great sweetener called Sucanat--now this is not some zero calorie sweetener manufactured somewhere. It is dehydrated cane juice--it has not been separated or blended--nothing has been added or taken out--it is supposed to be one of the healthiest sweeteners out there. Honey, Agave Nectar, and Natural Grade A Maple Syrup are also great but those are liquid form--sucanat is great for baking. I also made some without the Chocoalte chips--they seem more acceptable for breakfast that way--but last night we devoured the chocolate chip ones for dessert.

I have one disclaimer--The food tastes much better then it looks. My photography skills are obviously lacking--I was all inspired by my cousin and her pictures of her food and well--I will need to get some pointers on how to photograph food correctly--maybe my camera just isn't good enough :o)


3 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
1 tsp. Baking Soda (I use the aluminum free kind)
1 tsp. All Natural Sea Salt
1/2 tsp. Baking Powder (I also use the aluminum free kind)
2 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
2 Cups Sugar (I used 2 cups of Sucanat)
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
3/4 Cup Plain Yogurt
3 large eggs
1 Tbl. Vanilla >4 Ripe Bannanas mashed
1- 1 1/2 Cups of grated zuchini

1/2 Cup chopped Pecans or Walnuts
1-2 Cups of Mini Chocolate Chips or Regular (I sprinkled a few on top as well)

Combine Moist ingredients first then add dry ingredients and mix well--add nuts and chocolate last. Bake at 350 degrees in muffin tins--Ok honestly I used the large muffin tins and the small ones and I just watched them--the large ones take a bit longer but I'd say they need to bake for at least 15 min. Sorry you'll want to keep an eye on them the first time and then write down the time it takes since I neglegted to do so.

And of course these would be a fabulous dessert if you wanted to slather some cream cheese frosting on them--I avoided that this time though.

1 comment:

  1. Those look yummy. Mom just brought me a bunch of zucchini so I'll have to make some! Cute blog too, I really like it! I need a cuter background on mine I've decided now! Love you lots-Coral

